Blog Reloaded
First, today is Memorial Day in the United States, a yearly holiday to honor all who served and died while in the US armed forced. To all individuals who have sacrificed while serving in our military, I give my deepest sympathies and respect.
I took advantage of this long, holiday weekend to migrate my blog from Google’s Blogger engine to a Jekyll based blog. I created my blog using Blogger about three years ago because of its simplicity and its inherent integration with Google Analytics. However, the same features that make Blogger appealing as a blogging engine hindered my ability to write technical posts. Jekyll also provides an easy platform to write posts; however, it requires some technical knowhow, which, if you’re a developer, you should have anyway. Instead of using the awkward and self-defeating HTML rich text editor, you write your posts in markdown. You’re free to modify the look and feel as you see fit, and Github Pages provide free hosting. The whole process was essentially painless.
I also considered moving the blog to something like Medium which looks really nice and has tons of features, the best being that it’s a social network on its own. However, I’m skeptical of jumping back into another “integrated” platform after Blogger. Medium looks really good now, but in the future, they’ll start tacking on features, ads, and what not. Needless to say, I’ve seen this movie before (tumblr).
Hopefully, this move will translate in more posts being written….